What should we do about all the political division?

By: Kyle Austin

This is a loaded question but definitely one we want to discuss. Unfortunately, it seems there may always be some division based on how vastly different the views are. What is so alarming is the pace at which the division is growing and how hostile it is becoming. There is so much anger and hatred that the division is fueling. So what can can we do about it?


This is at the bare minimum of what we can do. This is a gift that we as citizens in America have and is how our voice can be heard. We should vote every opportunity that we can and always vote biblical values and principles.

Get involved in politics.

What greater way to do something than being a part of politics as a believer. This would result in politicians who have a biblical world-view and truth to base laws on. This would be working from the inside out and could be from the local level all the way up to the national level. I can think of a young man who was getting very frustrated with the local school board in his county making very ungodly decisions that would affect thousands of children. Rather than just gripe and complain about the issue. He decided to do something about it and ran for the school board. He was elected and began immediately making a difference from the inside out. 

Stand on truth and face issues with love and compassion.

We must stand on truth and face issues that are against that truth but we must do so with love and compassion. Jesus faced a brutal Roman Empire that had major issues with truth. As He stood against the laws and leaders of his day He did so with love and compassion.

Don’t ridicule or make fun of those you don’t agree with.

I cannot tell you how many times I hear believers ridiculing, mocking, or tearing down leaders they do not agree with. We do not have to agree nor should we agree with policies that are opposed to truth but we should treat the individuals with respect and love. These actions will never stop the division. We should always consider how would Jesus respond? Would He ridicule and make fun or would He be focused on reaching that person with the Gospel and getting truth into their lives? Our testimony to others around us is vitally important and treating people contrary to what we say we believe tears down our influence.

Pray for the leaders whether you agree with them or not.

We tend to find ourselves praying for the leaders that we agree with and not praying for those we do not agree with. If we were honest many times we really hope they would just go away. This is not what God tells us to do. In 1 Timothy 2:1-4, Paul instructs "I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth."

If you want to do something about the division then prayer can change division. Prayer is not the least we can do, it is the most we can do! The emphasis is that God desires for all men to be saved. That is every politician that you do not agree with. Imagine a House of Representatives and a Senate filled with believers. Division would be diminished and laws would be based on biblical truth. Could this ever happen? We are told in these verses that we can pray and God can work. So be intentional in praying for all leaders but especially for those you do not agree with.

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