Starting a Campus Ministry

How to Reach the College Campus

The most effective way to reach the college campus is for interested students to establish a registered student organization with the sponsorship of a local church.

The Benefits of Chartering a Registered Student Organization (RSO):

  1. The use of the school’s facilities for free to meet weekly.
  2. Free facility use for separate outreach meetings.
  3. Access to key school events, such as fairs, orientations, & open houses.
  4. Ministry name listed on school’s website.
  5. The use of the school postal system to distribute literature to students & faculty.
  6. Access to the campus to distribute literature, witness, and speak with students.
  7. Set up tables on campus, inside and outside of buildings, to advertise the ministry, witness, and speak with students.
  8. Post advertisements around campus & on bulletin boards in buildings.
  9. Ability to use the school’s logo and name on literature and other items.
  10. Access to sporting events.
  11. The schools encourage the recruitment of members to grow the organization.
  12. Students will be more secure in attending meetings that the school endorses compared to a meeting off campus somewhere.
  13. Access to records that show student’s religious affiliation.
  14. Yearly allocated funds and the use of the school’s vans and buses.
  15. The access and ability to connect on-campus students to a church.

We are here to assist you in establishing an officially recognized ministry on your college campus.

We will meet with you to discuss the benefits, specifics, and the “how to” of ministering on your local campus. We will assist you in surveying your campus and discuss the most effective means to become established.

We offer:

1. Acess to schedule a time to attend the CFC Training Center at East Carolina University to get hands on training and expeince. 

2. A well-prepared training manual, hands-on experience, helpful resources, and continued support throughout the entire journey. We provide training to equip workers in the following areas:

  • Session 1 - How to Establish the Campus Ministry
  • Session 2- How to Grow and Maximize the Campus Minsitry
  • Session 3 - How to Reach & Disciple College Students

3. Access to the printed & website resources we have available to run a ministry.

4. Priority access to the national CFC confernce and regional conferences for further training and resources for leaders and students.


The Collegians for Christ name is available for you to use and offers some benefits for your ministry. The use of the CFC name is dependent upon approval and agreement to usage guidelines and a statement of faith. We desire to assist you regardless of what name you choose. Contact us for approval prior to using the name.

The benefits to using “Collegians for Christ” are:

  1. By becoming an official CFC ministry, you inherit the heritage of a national campus ministry that has been in existence for roughly twenty-five years. You receive a ministry name that is recognized for its biblical principles and methods of ministry.
  2. It provides you clout with the school and students through the identification that CFC has established across America on other campuses. This can prove beneficial during the approval process since CFC is actively established on other campuses. 
  3. It allows you to network together with other CFC ministries which adds strength. Pastors, youth directors, parents, and church members will be able to direct students to your church and ministry. 
  4. The Collegians for Christ name does not appeal to or draw just one particular denomination or background of student. The name gives great opportunity to reach the entire student body. 
  5. As an official CFC ministry you will have access to all the resources needed to carry out a full-scale campus ministry. These resources have been proven effective in outreach and generating strong interest in the ministry. 

We will provide continued support and resources during your campus ministry journey.

Let's get your campus ministry going!

The best way for us to assist you in this journey is to connect so we can discuss the specifics, benefits, and how-to’s of campus ministry. We can schdeule a time to meet and survey your campus. From this we will develop a plan of action to get an effective ministry established.

Feel free to contact us today.

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